19 de septiembre

On the 19th we went to class, and since the first three hours there was hiking, we went to the mountain. On the mountain we went up a slope for several meters, the first slope was something special, because it was literally climbing through water that fell from the top, when we reached the top of where the water fell, we divided into 2 groups without realizing it, those of us who arrived First we had to continue straight to reach the top and those who arrived later took an easier right-hand path. I went to the top, like most of my companions who went to walk, when I reached the last meters there was an incredible wind, it was the strongest I have ever seen in my life, many of my companions fell silent going up and down. By the wind. On the path to the top there was a wooden board to walk on and very pretty yellow flowers underneath. At the top, we took cover behind a giant rock and had lunch, then we went down and continued the day as normal. In the afternoon, Victor, I and some ...